
Gifts of Awakening: Sacred Prayers for Spiritual Growth

With deep respect, we offer you three divinely propitious prayers, skilfully translated by Doris Unterthurner and Colin H. Simonds. These prayers come to you under the gracious auspices of Lho Ontul Rinpoche, Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen, and Lho Ratna Rinpoche.

A Prayer Based on the Life and Liberation of The Third Lho Ontul Rinpoche, Our Supreme Guide: A Song of Devotion and Cry of Longing (5th Edition). This heartfelt prayer is a tribute to Kyabje Lho Ontul Rinpoche. It also honours Lho Ratna Rinpoche and Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen and was translated by Doris Unterthurner with helpful input from Lho Ratna Rinpoche and Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen. (January 2023)

Self-blazing Faith and Devotion: A Prayer from the Profound Path Guru Practices (Zablam Lama Drubpa). The translation of this prayer is an offering to Lho Ontul Rinpoche, Lho Ratna Rinpoche, and Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen by NYBCC principal translator, Doris Unterthurner. It draws from the wisdom of Lho Bongtrul Rigdzin Nüden Dorje, Vol. 2, pp. 39-40. (April 27, 2021)

Roaring Vajra Laughter of the Profound Path: A Prayer which Calls the Guru from Afar. The translation of this prayer is an offering to Lho Ontul Rinpoche, Lho Ratna Rinpoche, and Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen by the translator, Colin H. Simonds with assistance from Doris Unterthurner. It comes from the collective wisdom of Lho Bongtrul Rigdzin Nüden Dorje, Vol. 2, pp. 159-168. (February 2022)

May these compassionate prayers serve as a beacon for the swift awakening of all beings.



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