Publications of Dharma Teachings by Namgyal Rinpoche

The Vision (1971)
By the Venerable Ananda Bodhi Acariya (Namgyal Rinpoche)
“The Kingdom of Heaven must be taken by storm—that is, pursued—and this search demands full absorption.”
“We must be careful to distinguish between faith based on blind dogma and ritualized formulas and faith based on question, on seeking to know. In other words, we must become aware that we were created to doubt, to explore, to extend our consciousness. This is precisely what we have faith in!”
“We must be in a state of choiceless awareness: nonexclusive so that we may be all-inclusive.” Namgyal Rinpoche

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Bodhi Publishing
“As your awareness increases, you will drop the view that the body is a second-class citizen. It is a vehicle for comprehension and for apprehension of the dialogues of the universe.”
“There is no other way to enlightenment but through Samsara – if you were to see it as it really is.” Namgyal Rinpoche in Graveside Discourses.

An Introduction to Meditation
by Namgyal Rinpoche
“When you begin with meditation you are actually practicing contemplation. Only later, when the mind opens, do you actually meditate and even then you are not meditating because there is no ‘you’ there at that moment to do anything.”
“You must be on guard against the hindrances to meditation, (called the ‘klessa’ in Sanskrit). There are five klesas and you are going to run up against them, so you might as well know what they are.” Namgyal Rinpoche
This invaluable eBook contains practical guidance given to students by the Venerable Namgyal Rimpoche during an intensive, three-month meditation retreat held at Lake Rotoiti on the South Island of New Zealand in the southern winter of 1973.
Complied and edited from notes taken at the time, Namgyal Rimpoche’s instructions are vital reading for anyone currently practicing or beginning meditation.
An Introduction To Meditation briefly outlines meditation theory and gives practical advice on the correct approach to meditation preparation, practice, and review, with special emphasis on Tibetan Buddhist visualization practice.

Body, Speech and Mind
by Namgyal Rinpoche
A Manual for Human Development
As heard by Cecilie Kwiat
The second edition of this extremely popular book contains a treasure lode of discourses by Namgyal Rinpoche on several important themes for the development of enlightened body, speech and mind.
These include in-depth teaching on the Foundations of Mindfulness (from the Satipatthana Sutta); the practice of purification (Vajrasattva); the transmutation of negative states (Chenresi); Mindfulness of Breathing (Anapanasati); as well as a wide variety of classic and contemporary meditations, exercises and teachings on, for example, the elements, colour, bioenergetics, communication, relationships, nutriment, obstacles on the path, dream yoga, awareness in daily life, mantra, and much more.
A rich book to explore with an abundance of deep, vivid and lively teaching in which Rinpoche compassionately and skilfully illuminates the precious path of awakening for all who seek liberation from suffering and the attainment of the sacred happiness and peace of transcendence.

Right Livelihood
by Namgyal Rinpoche
Right Livelihood - and Other Foundations of Enlightenment
Inspiring teachings from the Venerable Namgyal Rinpoche on the foundations of enlightenment, from formal practices and meditations - such as Foundations of Mindfulness, Ordinary and Extraordinary Foundation Work, Puja, Visualization and Mantra, the Brahma Vihara and Mahamudra - to the realization of the transcendental in daily life as embodied in every moment, including marriage, parenting and community: the spiritual journey of purification, illumination and the beatific.
“There's a little more to the question of right livelihood than how you get your money. In the teaching, right livelihood involves your whole lifestyle, which really is a reflection of the overall mind state in which you are progressing. To bring a being forth into a wholesome state is another matter: to actually give beings the secret of coming into wholesome living is a little more difficult. That requires effort and study. The being who does not study will never achieve logos 'reason'. All such a being has to move with is emotional reaction.”

The Path of Victory
by Namgyal Rinpoche
Discourses on the Paramita
Edited by Sonam Senge
A refreshing and inspiring approach to the Six Perfections, the practices which develop wholesome activity, growth and enlightenment.
One of Rinpoche's most popular books now in its fourth printing, it is a joy to read again and again.

The Breath of Awakening
by Namgyal Rinpoche
A Guide to Liberation through the Practice of Anapanasati, Mindfulness of Breathing
Edited by K. Chime Wongmo
An excellent meditation manual on one of the most important practices for the cultivation of calm, insight-knowledge and deliverance. Rinpoche's commentary shows the way this classic practice unfolds naturally, how it leads to complete liberation and how we may practise it simply and profoundly.
His teaching also elucidates aspects of meditation that can be applied to any practice; these include preparation, posture, what might occur, what to look for, obstacles to overcome, the factors of enlightenment, signs of progress, how to review and, of course, the transcendental.

by Namgyal Rinpoche
The Diamond State of Realization - Teachings on the Diamond Sutra
"In each of the sections of the Diamond Sutra some type of view is being worked on: what you are involved with and how you are approaching things. You can see that one of the main wrong views working behind all other views is the subtlety of an ego-view: that there is someone, some ego-identity getting an enlightenment, and also, by the way, that the Buddha is an identity. That is not to say that the Buddha isn't, but the Buddha neither is nor is not. You have to reconcile both realms of truth: relativity - which is just a measurement- with absolute truth, total view, samma-ditthi. The sutra has you working towards that."
Suchness, the Diamond State of Realization is Namgyal Rinpoche's commentary on The Diamond Sutra, one of the most famous sutras from the tradition of Mahayana Buddhism (Great Vehicle). Throughout the talks Rinpoche develops the ideas contained in the sutra and gives practical exercises for confronting views and for developing loving kindness. Suchness also contains the entire text of the translation of The Diamond Sutra used by Rinpoche, with permission obtained from the publisher. There are two appendices which give more detailed instructions for the various meditations suggested and enumeration of various concepts referred to in the book. Appendix I contains the Bodhisattva vow, Paramitas, Seven Factors of Enlightenment, Foundations of Mindfulness and more. Appendix II contains instructions, adapted from the Vissudhi-Magga and other traditional sources, for the practice of the Brahma Viharas (loving kindness, compassion, joy and divine equanimity) which Rinpoche emphasizes repeatedly in the book.

The Womb, Karma and Transcendence
by Namgyal Rinpoche
A Journey towards Liberation
Edited by K. Chime Wongmo
Discourses on awakening given by Namgyal Rinpoche during three workshop/meditation retreats. While the focus is on liberation, the discourses particularly address patterns formed in the womb and how these underlie our approach and response to all aspects of our lives, including our physical and mental health, our sexuality, and our views and beliefs on everything from philosophy to food.
Rinpoche gives many exercises and meditations for contacting our womb experience and clearing it, so that it becomes what it was meant to be: the basis for well-being, natural growth and exploration.
Of special interest is the meditation for those who have given birth or who have had an abortion which clears both parent and child.
Also included are teachings on the 16 Buddha-Body Practice, the four types of mothers, karma ("activity"), other factors that shape us, past lives, and most importantly, transcendence - going beyond all concepts of who and what we are so that we may be and know what is.

The Womb of Form
by Namgyal Rinpoche
Pith Instructions on the Six Yogas of Naropa
Edited by Christopher Stephens
Much in demand, this second printing makes these important teachings available once again.

A Body of Truth
by Namgyal Rinpoche
Empowering through Creative Imagination
Edited by Rab Wilkie, Leslie Hamson and K. Chime Wongmo
A rich collection of over ninety creative, meditative exercises presented in universal terms relevant to all beings. The exercises utilize both eastern and western forms of unfoldment and include a new approach to kasina and mandala work, sacred geometry, colour, space and archetypal explorations, balancing the cerebral hemispheres, healing, and many other themes of integration.
Some of the exercises involve working with clay, drawing or painting - although artistic ability is not required to do them or to reap benefit from them.
While developing awareness of inner and outer aspects of being, the exercises effortlessly evoke well-being and insight. Enjoyable as well as engrossing, an invaluable resource for all ages.

The Dome of Heaven
by Namgyal Rinpoche
Speculations upon an Awakening Universe
"All manifestations of will in the human being are but expressions of man's urge to awaken. He wills to awaken but he doesn't know the object of his desire. All the buildings ever constructed on earth are really the dome of heaven. Everything that man has invented or put together is a statement of his desire to know the mechanics of the universe; the Universal Law and its architecture, its engineering. Man is searching for but one thing, for awakening, and will is really this interest or study in motion."
Stimulating, thought-provoking and affirming teaching by Namgyal Rinpoche on the nature of awakening and its multi-dimensional facets.

Glimmerings of the Mystical Life
by Namgyal Rinpoche
Compiled by Margaret Morris
The mystic who believes her or himself to be a mystic is not a mystic: rather she or he, a lover of secrets, is playing with the occult. The true mystic understands that the whole purpose of life is a type of awakening. The scientists who delight in making things more and more involved, more and more mysterious for other people to understand are false mystics.
The mystical life is not a constant mystiquing, but a constant revealing. It is a path of sanity. Saints are those beings who face and deal with the devils in their lives. So make these devils into bundles and throw them over your shoulder. Throw them behind you, and also the next angel which comes along. There is but one thing to do and that is to awaken. There is no time for dallying, for having long conversations with these devils and angels. Some of you are like the person en route to collect a treasure, who knows exactly where it is concealed, but dallys to chat about the weather. You prefer to have a long involved conversation instead of realising that that is another illusion. It is as unnecessary as saying "Comment ca va?" all day.

Unfolding Through Art
by Namgyal Rinpoche
Edited by K. Chime Wongmo
Discourses and art exercises integrating the teachings of the Buddha, modern psychology, Christian Mysticism and the tradition of the Western Mysteries which uses craft as a vehicle for awakening.
Namgyal Rinpoche, in describing the way of achieving the art of living, presents an overview of the teaching that is deeply significant to its new dispensation. A beneficial and enjoyable exploration of many dimensions.
Elegantly designed, this beautiful, large-size book (14"x10 1/2") contains 24 half-tones and 12 full colour reproductions of Rinpoche's art work.
Currently unavailable

The Meditation on Peace
by Namgyal Rinpoche
Rinpoche presents a modern interpretation of the traditional Meditation on Peace (Nirvana) which in conjunction with formal practice, focuses on developing transcendental peace in daily life.
Find more downloadable teachings by Namgyal Rinpoche at:
Bodhi Publishing - Books on Universal Awakening by Namgyal Rinpoche

BODHI PUBLISHING is a non-profit, charitable organization dedicated to publishing books on universal awakening as transmitted by Namgyal Rinpoche for the benefit of all sentient beings. Our vision is to share these teachings with those who are interested in and committed to developing awareness, wisdom and compassion in their daily lives. In doing so we strive to make each publication a work of high quality craftsmanship. Our editions vary from 200 to 2000 copies. Aside from printing and binding, all the work that goes into creating a book - transcribing, editing, design, lay-out and art, is done by volunteers who contribute their skills, energy and time.
May all beings speedily awaken!