Texts of Dharma Teachings by Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen (Lama Mark Webber)

The Beauty and Practice of Generation and Completion Stages
A Root Text
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Key Points for Unfolding the Dharma in an Orderly and Unified Way
Commentaries given to the in-person participants of a Dharma weekend at Egebjerg, Denmark, hosted by NYBCE, and the online participants, hosted by NYBCC.
June 14 to 16, 2024
«I kept getting asked: ‘Lama, is there one thing I should be doing?’ And I said: ‘No, not one thing. A list of things!’ So, this is a list of the key things that a spiritual practitioner of the Vajrayana would do at least every day, and if not, then at least every week. It is the rich gathering of all the kinds of practices, attitudes, and intentions that you need to bring together. And actually, we generally practice this every day when in full retreat.”
-Lama Chokyi Gyaltsen
Download the PDF with the Key Points